Saturday, 12 September 2015

Yes!!! Happy announce that there will be a hair selfie contest here on PB. Please click to read details...

This will be my first giveaway. will give more in subsequent months. For those interested please send your photo alongside the details listed in the first photo. Entry closes tomorrow by 6pm.
photos will be posted as soon as you send them. The selfie with the highest number of comments becomes the winner. Tell your friends to drop a comment on your post so as to increase your number of comments. Goodluck...

Email :
Below are the photos of what the winner will get


spunky said...

Wow....this sounds fun

kim said...

Phew!...would love to contest but just loosened my hair...aarrgghhh

spunky said...

M xo in

kalisha said...

Xo much fun